Apartment Locating
Apartment Selector
3000 Windy Hill Road SE, Marietta, Georgia 30067
770-956-0177 or 1-888-285-7745
350 Northridge, Suite 4C, Atlanta, Georgia 30350
770-552-9255 or 1-800-569-7368
"Moving Made Simple" FREE -- Are you planning to move or
relocate? Let us help by offering personalized service in finding just
the right apartment, (short or long term) executive rentals or interim
housing. In business since 1959, our goal is to help make your
transition easier and to take the uncertainty out of your move. Plans
are underway for a Relo Center Planning Area with helpful
information on anything you might need to know about communities,
utilities, insurance, moving companies, furniture rentals and much
more. Call for information or visit our website for complete details.
We are a Nationwide company