Thank you for your request to be included in the Business directory. offers a several different types of listing services.

Our FULL TEXT listings can be searched from most of the 2000 pages on the site with all results based on the content of the full listings including city, zipcodes and descriptions. We allow up to 100 words in your description making it easier for potential clients to find you!! As an added plus ALL FULL TEXT listings are displayed first in our search results.

Our FULL TEXT LISTINGS are only $69 for the first two years and to top it off they are GUARANTEED!! Simply put, if you tell us your listing didn't make you TWICE the $69 you spent we will give you the next two years FREE!! Because we know from the amount of traffic is recieving now (1000's of page views daily) we can offer the only advertising guarantee that we know of.

If you like to become one of our FULL TEXT LISTING clients.

Click here

If your mail reader doesn't support HTML simply copy this URL into your location field in your browser:

Keyword listings assure your businesses URL (Web Page address) will be displayed above the free listings on our site. They also put you in control of how potential clients find you URL.

Keyword listings are now only $29 (one time). This allows you to put up to 5 keywords or pharses up to 20 characters in length. As stated before, keyword listing always appear before the free listing in the search results.

To enter your Keyword listing Click here

if your mail reader doesn't support HTML simply copy this URL into your location field in your browser:

Free listing are available on any category page troughout the site. To enter a FREE listing find the page that best describes your businesses category. (You can search for this from the front page) At the bottom of every category page is a form to fill out for that specific category.

Whichever option you choose we assure you you will get positive results!!

Thanks Again!!
Roger Bredow
Owner -

If you are interested in one of these options please call Roger at 770-995-1512. I am presently on a assignment as a consultant for IBM here in Atlanta so leave a message and I call you as soon as possible.

If you are in a real hurry to get listed you can call me at 770-835-9338, my office at IBM, and I will talk with you briefly to get the ball rolling.